The following statement returns the contents of the view: SELECT The following statement creates a view named staff_salesthose summaries the sales by staffs and years using the SUM() aggregate function: CREATE VIEW sales.staff_sales ( Here is the output: Creating a view using aggregate functions example The following statement queries data against the sales.daily_sales view: SELECT In this example, we specified the column list for the view explicitly. To add the customer name column to the sales.daily_sales view, you use the CREATE VIEW OR ALTER as follows: CREATE OR ALTER sales.daily_sales ( The following shows the output: Redefining the view example Once the daily_sales view is created, you can query data against the underlying tables using a simple SELECT statement: SELECT

The following statement creates a view named daily_sales based on the orders, order_items, and products tables: CREATE VIEW sales.daily_sales

We will use the orders, order_items, and products tables from the sample database for the demonstration. In case you want to redefine the view e.g., adding more columns to it or removing some columns from it, you can use the OR ALTER keywords after the CREATE VIEW keywords. If you don’t explicitly specify a list of columns for the view, SQL Server will use the column list derived from the SELECT statement. The SELECT statement can refer to one or more tables. Second, specify a SELECT statement ( select_statement) that defines the view after the AS keyword.The schema_name is the name of the schema to which the view belongs. First, specify the name of the view after the CREATE VIEW keywords.To create a new view in SQL Server, you use the CREATE VIEW statement as shown below: CREATE VIEW schema_name.view_name Ĭode language: SQL (Structured Query Language) ( sql )
#Mysql create view with primary key how to#
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SQL Server CREATE VIEW statement to create new views.